MeetFighters News

Hello Fighters,

The last update which brought the Enhanced Recommendation System is not even a week old, and here we are again with new updates and features! From tags to enhanced group search, these upgrades are tailored to maximize your experience on our platform. And a big announcement at the end!

Introducing private #tags

🔖 Private Tags: A fresh feature to keep your connections organized! Tag members based on shared interests, fighting styles, or any criteria you desire. Planning a trip to Paris next year? (We mean Paris, Texas.) Tag interesting profiles with #paristrip so you can search and review your fights when the time comes.

✏️ Easy Tagging: Use the pencil icon on profiles for tagging. As you tag, the system will remember and suggest those tags for future profiles, making the process smoother with each use.

🔍 Tag Search: Our search was modified to let you quickly find your tagged members. And the map button will show these members on the interactive world map!

Group and Notes

🌍 Group Mapping: You can now visualize the member list of groups on our interactive world map. Go to your Interest Groups members and click 'show on map'.

📑 Private Notes: Our search result page now visualizes accounts where you entered a private note.

If you selected "Block messages from trial members (new members without photos)", but reach out to one, this member can now respond to your message because you initiated the conversation.
Plus, there are general improvements and changes to the events and new members when it comes to blocks.

End of the update news.

Now, we have a special announcement to make:

Welcome to: Dating, Erotic content, Porn, Fetish, Kink, and Sex!

To our veteran members and newcomers alike, you may have noticed our firm stance on erotic content limits, especially when it comes to avatar pictures. Our mission with has always been to highlight the essence of wrestling. While wrestling can have erotic undertones, it doesn't exclusively represent that realm. Simply put, your public avatar and profile should represent the sport, not porn.

However, we understand and appreciate (and like!) the intersection of wrestling with other desires and fantasies. It's not uncommon for a match on the mats to transition to the bed or a dungeon. We also know about multiple stories of those who found true love here.

Reflecting on our journey, when we faced similar problems in the past:

  • emerged from a community desire for cyber fights (and the sad need to create fake accounts), evolving to be one of the top platforms for online cyber fight enthusiasts.
  • was born from a collaboration between creators, wrestling production houses, and fans, (instead of blocking and banning these accounts for aggressive advertisement); now, all are connected to celebrate wrestling in video form and create some secondary income.

Facing the future:
We've received countless requests to broaden MeetFighters' horizons, incorporating a wider spectrum of BDSM, other fetishes, and even general dating features. But diversifying too much could dilute our core essence: MeetFighters
The successful specialization of ChatFighters and WatchFighter showcased the advantages of dedicated platforms, each fine-tuned to serve an aspect of our community.

With this in mind:

We are once more doing it and proudly announce - Our brand new site:!

Lustfinity promises to be an inclusive sanctuary for every imaginable fantasy and kink. Dedicated features to stay close to kinks you love but far away from kinks you dislike. Discretion, security, and privacy, together with verification and recommendations. FREE* of charge; *Sounds simple but is actually hard to maintain and host a site for free. To be transparent, we use the same model as on ChatFighters and MeetFighters: small volunteering contributions yearly- non-recurring. To gain some smaller perks - but no restrictions when it comes to engaging with other members or scrolling the userbase. And, of course, free of advertising and data collection. These are just a few reasons we think why MeetFighters is used by some of you for this sole purpose, and we will do our best to create a new platform to embrace it.

Eager to learn more? Visit and sign up for our launch newsletter. You'll receive an exclusive invite to our closed Beta launch, granting you a chance to be at the forefront of shaping Lustfinity.

Final words:
We are in this unique position to go into the adventures of creating niche websites and keep adding features and improvements to our existing ones only because of the continued support of our community. Financial support, but also recommending our platform. Thank you very much!

I also want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to our volunteering Supporter and Translation team. Without you guys, it would not be possible to keep hosting this website in its current form. Your work is essential on a day-to-day basis.

All your feedback has been guiding our updates. Every decision, including the creation of Lustfinity, was inspired by you, our community. Please keep them coming.

Thank you for reading, and we would love it if you sign up for the Lustfinity newsletter.

Best Regards,

Last edited on 9/03/2023 5:33 PM by Admin; 20 comment(s)

Hello Fighters,

We're thrilled to unveil some upgrades on MeetFighters based on your feedback. The goal? Make your recommendations richer and more memorable.

🥊 Meetup Moments: Ever wanted to dive deep into your recommendation? (We know you wanted it because you told us so!) With 'Meetup Moments', you can capture every unique meeting as its own story. Adjust or add as you wish.

📖 Moments vs. Recommendations: Notice a tag like "2 moments" by a recommendation? Think of "moments" as chapters of your shared journey with another fighter. All moments under one fighter still stand as one recommendation, highlighting the importance of the recommender.

📸 Enhanced Visuals: Words are powerful, but pictures amplify the story. Add images to your recommendation to bring them alive.

👀 Refined Viewing: Initial scans of recommendations now show the first lines and one image for brevity. Need more? Dive in by clicking or use 'expand all'.

🔍 Search Function: Search inside recommendations!

🏆 For Our Veteran Fighters: We've transitioned your existing recommendations into your first 'Meetup Moment', ensuring continuity. Feel free to revisit and add images. Or add more moments. Click the "Past opponent" tab to start editing:
On the "Settings" page, find " Interact", and click on:

🌟 For New Fighters: Recommendations echo your journey. After verifying an opponent, share your experience, providing a glimpse into your encounters.

MeetFighters thrives on the 'past opponents' and 'recommendation' tools. They're more than just milestones – they help build trust and safety for our combat sports community.

Your feedback steers our path. So if there's anything amiss or an idea to share, reach out. And remember, these improvements come at no cost, available not just for our contributing members, but to every member of our MeetFighters family.

Keep battling, treasure your moments, and share your tales. And reach out if needed.

Best Regards,

Last edited on 8/29/2023 9:40 PM by Admin; 11 comment(s)

Hello Fighters,

We're excited to share that we've made some important enhancements to our chat's video and audio system. With this update, you can look forward to improved reliability and performance during video calls.
Additionally, we've added the option to disable video, allowing you to have audio-only calls if you prefer.

Best Regards,

Last edited on 6/04/2023 5:42 PM by Admin; 1 comment(s)

MeetFighters overhaul

  • Admin
  • 6/05/2022
  • 131
  • 57
  • 43

Hello Fighters,

If you are reading this, you may have already noticed the latest site upgrade! The aim was to move MeetFighters into the new age. As a result, the desktop version got a major overhaul, and the mobile version of the site received an even more significant change. - Yes, it looks different! :)

As more and more users shift toward browsing the site from phones, it has become imperative to improve the mobile experience. This update is a step in that direction.


The most notable change is on profile pages.

The updated layout allows you to customize your profile using the new banners. And as thank you to our donating members, they can further customize the banner by choosing a picture from their gallery. New custom controls for the mobile version allow more accessible navigation through the profile, past opponents, pictures, and recommendations without constantly scrolling up and down. In addition, clutter got removed from the profiles with the goal of putting the member's content in the center.

Interest groups

Your Interest Groups were overhauled and sorted by activity. This way you can always see which group is trending. To further improve navigation, we separated the groups from the forums.

The latest update allows you to filter and sort group, so finding the right one for you should be easier.

Other changes

The top of the page uses less space, allowing more actual content to be displayed without scrolling.

The term "Fans" and "Favorite" got renamed to "followers" and "following."

The Settings page got a face lift. It should be much easier to find more obscure features and customize the site to your liking. This includes the new option to customize your banner:

On the "Settings" page, find " Your content", and click on:

If you notice something not working, please contact us, so we can fine-tune the layout over the following days.

We hope you enjoy this overhaul.

Thank you for all your support, and stay safe!
Best Regards,

Last edited on 6/05/2022 10:16 PM by Admin; 131 comment(s)

Hello Fighters,

Exactly one year ago our third brother site went online!

We celebrate this with an anniversary sale where over 400 videos are on sale with up to 50% discount!

If you don't know what WatchFighters is, in a nutshell, it is a place where everyone can upload and monetize his homemade wrestling videos! As a viewer, you can simply use your MeetFighters or ChatFighters account to log in. No need to create a separate account.

Please join us in celebrating WatchFighters's Happy Birthday!

Stay Safe!
– Admin

Last edited on 5/26/2022 6:14 PM by Admin; 17 comment(s)