Okay, ready? Say what you're wearing and make the first move.
I’m wearing a pair of trunks with the Canadian flag on them, the maple leaf covering my cock, waiting for you to get in the ring.
I get up in the ring, and get a look at your size. Seeing that belly, I'm afraid I'll be squeezed to death.
I laugh as you look at me with fear, moving close to you to lock up
Instantly, I feel the power of your grip and try to back away.
I power you into a headlock as you try to back away from me, wrapping my arm around your head tightly
The squeeze! Just what I feared the most! I play dumb for a minute and knock you in the back of your leg with my knee.
Trickery! I fall to my knees, releasing the headlock from the impact of your kick to the back of my leg. I scramble away from you to get back to my feet, more cautious this time
Shit! I hoped you'd at least fall to the mat. I rush into you, finally knocking you down this time. I come down on top of you and rub my elbow into your neck. I bet that hurts!
Ungggggh! I moan as you knock me to the mat and work your elbow into my neck, I struggle to get you off me
I move up on your chest, put both hands behind your head, pulling it up in a front nelson.
I grunt as you manhandle me, feeling myself being dominated and shake my head as much as I can trying to get back into reality
I know I can't hold the behemoth under me much longer. It's futile...
I struggle against your nelson, eventually prying your hands free, gasping as i am freed
Oh no, those arms! Here it comes!
i push myself to my feet, getting up and approaching you, wrapping you in my arms in a tight bear hug
Another squeeze! I’ll soon be gone if I don't act quick. I push back on your chin, trying to make you drop me.
I keep the pressure on as I feel you pushing my head back, my neck still stiff from your elbow work earlier
You sadist! I can see the joy all over your face. I jerk back using my weight to make you fall. You come down on top of me.
Ooof, I land on top of you, releasing my bear hug and pinning you in a school boy pin, my knees holding your arms down as I flex over you, my cock inches from your face
Shit and shit again. I bring my legs up, trying to throw you off.
I feel your legs at my back, your knees hit a few times, hurting me a bit, I struggle to keep you in place but my grip is slipping
I finally hook your neck with my foot and you fall back on top of me. I push your legs out of the way and stand up. I pick your leg up to hold you and put my foot over your mouth and nose, leaving you gasping for breath. You deserve every bit of it for what you’ve done, you bastard!
I feel your foot cutting off my air as I gasp, trying to shake you off me
I fall to the mat, and you're on top of me again. Your belly is sticking into mine. I can hardly breathe.
I gasp deeply as your foot is off my face. I wrap my arms around you and begin to squeeze againb
Oh no, Bearhug on the mat! All the air is going out of me again. I’ll be dead before I know it! I strain and roll you over. Now I'm on top. I plant my knees on the mat, and sit up, breaking your grip.
Ungh, I feel you on top of me, being dominated!
I'd like to knock you out before this goes much further. After that bearhug, I feel like I got almost nothing left. I quickly move up on your chest and put my hand on your neck and sit on it.
I feel myself being manhandled, you sitting on my neck, my arms waving in vain
Now I got you for good! I decide to make it even worse, and put my leg underneath you neck to choke you better. But I lose my balance, and fall off. Now you...
I gasp a little as you fall off me, catching my breath. I roll you over and sit on your back, getting you in a camel clutch
I feel the pain as your fingers cut into the flesh underneath my jaw. I feel so woozy you must have cut off at least half my blood supply.
I keep pulling back on your neck, owning you, come on man! give up I yell!
I struggle to get free of this monster, and at the last moment. I pull your fingers back until they almost break and you have to let go. I roll you over and get on top. I feel like I've sucked dry. I get up, and stand back panting, I’m so out of breath and so dizzy I can’t go on.
I get back to my feet and circcle you, trying to get my sleeper on you. You can give up if you want to and offer yourself to me I yell, letting you know you just have to surrender to my sleeper for it to end
I can hardly move, I'm so tired. You come at me, I try to duck out of the way, and...
I wrap my arms around your neck and head, getting my sleeper on you
I feel the crush instantly. Fuck, the standing sleeper. All of a sudden I grab your arm, push my rear into you, and flip you over my back. I know I should follow up but I stagger back, clutching my throat with my hand feeling the strangulation, almost ready to drop.
I feel myself flying through the air, I land and groan as I feel the impact
You start to get up. I clutch my throat, gasping in air, and come forward intending to knock you over. Instead, a trip myself right next to you.
I roll you over and go for a pin 1 ....... 2 ......................
I somehow manage to buck my hips to throw you off. I'm so far gone, I can hardly think. Before I can move, you're...
I pull you up to a sitting position and put the sleeper back on you
I feel the sleeper closing in. You start to shake it, and all goes dark.

Last edited on 11/07/2015 1:11 AM by jwest1111
