(Joined in Progress).
I stand up and you run at me. I get out of the way, trip you as you go by. I start hand choking your carotid again. Your face is turning red.
clearly you can’t wrestle i kick my legs up hooking your head and scissor chokign you yt
I fall back on the mat, roll over, and pull your legs off me. Now it's you who can't wrestle, pal. I pick up your leg and put my foot on your neck, and bear down with all my weight. It's my favourite, foot sleeper. it never fails.
grunst i ress my free foot to your posted leg and kick it out from under you yt
Dirty bastard trick! I fall back on the mat. You're right next to me and getting up. Before you get very far, I push you back with by foot, hop on your chest, and sit on face, gagging your air.
mmmmrrgh! i kick a kne eup hard to your chest yt
I fall back lying on your legs.
grab you in a tight body sicssor! yt
Ecch! you got me in the most painful place around the ribs. I can hardly breathe.
get to work to steal the last bit of your power yt
I can fell myself going out. I drop over on my sides, push your legs off, and roll you over, and grab your neck, and squeeze as hard as I can. I'm hoping for a 5 second KO.
hit the inside of you elbows instantly ytcause youve done this.... alot. breaking the choke almsot instntly
I'm hurting like Hell. Dirty mother fucker, I'm putting you out no matter what!
i sit upwrappingmy arms aroudn those sore ribs and crushing you again yt
The evil hug! I reach behind and knock your hands off, and start pressing into your neck with my forearm.
i step behins lift adn suplex you back! yt
I'm down and too stunned to move.
lock on a tight sleeperyt leeching your power
I don't know what to do. I half enjoy the sensation of going out, and half don't. I knock your elbow with my fist, and you let go.
school boy pin laughing at you yt

Ha,ha, funny guy! I buck my hips, throw you over, and come right down on top of you. Before you know it, it scissor your leg with mind, wrap my arm underneath your neck, and put my other fist into your neck. I'm counting on you going out real nice this time!
you clamp on hard... oh thats not good.. i felx up and drill hard fists to your soft rib yt
I jerk and let go. You continue to pound my ribs. They're already so soft, I'm ready to go.
when you jerk away i ytfeel ya rip a good chunk of my strength with me i roll ot the corner getting up chest pumping
I slowly get up, and fall back, I'm so exhausted and hurting so much.
arms over th ropes both resting
Sweat is pouring down over my eyes, blinding me for a moment. I start to get up, but...
boot to your face
I fall back.
mount your chest and ground adn pound you yt
I put my hands up over my face, but some of your punches are getting through.
heh bet you want somyte of my power huh! hammering down
Crap shit! I finally buck and you fall off. I'm so tired and hurting so much, I...
can hardly move. I get up and fall on top of you.
grab you from behind. Heh tell ya waht stud ill let you take some of my power so were even again. but when i win i own you
Sure thing, mother fucker! You've got both my arms pulled back. I start tugging, and can't budge you.
My strength is gone.
knowing this is a bad idea but addicted to teh fight let you go. let yu locka hug on me and open up letting you drain power from me to bring you back up
I can hardly hold your weight, and let you drop to the mat. I stomped your gut as hard as I can, but you grab my foot.
push ya off.. haha what not takign the deal?
You're standing over me, egging me. I'm wishing you'd put me to sleep or something. It seems like you want me to suffer.
i fall on your throat with my knee and you choke hard yt
You creep! I muster all the strength I have left, and turn over on my side.

moutn your back and sleeper you yt
I can feel it tightened. It hurts and then I'm out.
I I flex and put my foot on your face.

Can you do a second match now?
you were totally owned last time mna :P
It's okay. There always another. Besides, it's a honor to be beat by the great T. How many people have ever beaten you?
even gave ya a chance to come back and you didnt take it :many beat me in cyber none in real
Well, I was too beat to go on. I'd like a shot at it now. This time, if you win, you can beat me up real bad if you want.
heh was tryging to give ya my power. you would have been fine :P
What do you mean? You beat in my ribs, had your leg on my throat, sleepering me twice. I was so weak the second time I just let you put me out.
meani was goign to give up some of my stretgth so make you strong as me again so we could have keep going. im addicted tot he fight not the out come
You're the king. Why won't you take me on again?
haha not about beatign them its about the fight dont care if i win or lose. Ill take ya on but be creative... clearly your trying to sit on me and choke me wont work :P
Okay, I'll try something better this time. Let's start. I'm wearing a red jock. What have you got
streacing out black sqaures yt
Looking you over like I’m trying to size you up. Without giving a clue, I rush at you, push you back into the ropes, grab your neck, and push it over the rope.
ARRRCH! neck over the ropes i grunt shove you int eh chest hard ot toss you off me yt
I fall back and rush you again. This time I bend your neck back even further with my hand on your carotid, and knee you in the nuts.
eyes wide with the nut shot. Groaning. yt
I whack your face as hard as I can, grab your shoulder, and pull you over on the mat. I come down on top of you and lock on a rear choke. I'm not taking any chances this time. I'm putting you out this time. I estimate my knock time as 4 seconds.
still reeling from the hit.. i reach up and gouge your eyes! y
That T! I was hoping to laugh and ask you if you were enjoying the fight just before you went out! I have to let go the sleeper to pull your hand off.
i rolling getting up sucking in air y
I'm still hurting from where you gauged me. You must have a grip like steel. Slowly, I get up holding my face.
press ouy and drill a ahard kcik to your chest! yt
I move back, trying to get out of the way. Now my ribs are hurting again too. That's how you got me last time. This time I'm lucky. I make a fast grab at your foot and pull you down and come down on top, and slug you in the Adam's apple. You start wailing bloody murder.
gagaing!!! i kcik my legs up getign you in gaud holdign you back suckingin air and i crush your sides yt
The wrench! It's killing me! I push down on your legs, and grab one and stand up, holding it up high. I press my foot into your face, cutting off your air. How do you like my sleeper smoother, fool?
ARRRGh this again i press yt foot to your other knee and kick it out from under
Same thing again! Damn! I fell for that last time too I land across your stomach, and throw my fist into your gut as hard as I can.
GUUUH fuck! i sit up with a elbow across your chin yt
I fall back on the mat, and now your on top of me.
ground and pound your head yt
Grab your leg and roll you over onto your back. I crab your leg back and stand up. I pick you up so only your upper chest and face are on the mat, and start twisting your foot.
I don't care if I break something.
ARRRGh you on fire this time! i throw my elbwo back hooking you leg and yankgin it from you yt
I fall back but I’m still holding your foot. I hook your ankle and start twisting away. Nobody can withstand the heel hook, not even you,
How does that feel now, champ?
ARRRRRRRRGH!!!! i shit up and hammer fists hard to you knee yt
Ehhhh! Now my leg is hurting so bad I can hardly stand up. I bring my leg back, grab your foot again, and continue twisting away at the toes. I know you are feeling the pain. There nothing I'd like better than for you to lying there like a dead leaf and putting the sleeper on you.
grunting feeling your power ripping from knee from my leg!!! i give oyu knee another hard hit

I let go. I manage to get up and fall down on top of you, put one arm around your head, and my hard fist into the other side of your neck. That should shut you up.
ARRRGh slam fists to your ribs wildly yt
Crazy fool! I should have known better. T. has a thousand ways of escaping the sleeper. That's my best hold. I let go, feeling my ship sinking.
i roll up to the corner limp a bit and suck in air.... that sucked bad yt
I slowly climb up on my knees. All of sudden you're coming at me. I jump to the side, and grab your foot, bringing you down. I start working the one leg crab, and at the same time twisting your toes like I'm Satan.
been on the losing end since that low blow!! GRRRRR hitting the mat in pain!!! growling liek a beast yanking on your legs to pull ya down yt
So I go down, and you jump on top. I know you're going to start pounding me with your fists again, and roll you over right away. I climb up right away and put my knees on your shoulders, and lean back in a leg choke.
feelgin you leg start rippign ym strengt form me... i twist and hit those risb then doubel axe that gut yt
I let go and go you over with my foot, and jump on top. I don't know how much you have left, but I'll find out. I pull you up by your arm, and get behind in a rear choke. This time you're going out, so help me God!
feel you lock on your power cushing my and supressing it the longer i stay in this grutnign har di press on teh amt adn drill yu to the other corner yt
Crazy shit! The guy's strength is like Hercules! I'm now lying in the corner, waiting with dread.
gasping hard.. i turn aroudn adn start wor your torso with hard hits yt
Jerk! I could have sworn he was dead! It's a disaster. Wait a minute. I grab for your fist, and twist it down as hard as I can, and you fall back. Now it's you going to disaster, babe!
ARRGRH down to a knee then i pres su pand drill my shoudler to your gut!!! all yours!! yt
Okay, It's getting real crazy now. I'm in agony. I slug you as hard as I can in the mouth and you go reeling back. I get back on my feet, rush you and pound your head with my fists. You fall down. You look dead. I don't know if you're for real or just pretending.
hurting bad but pretendign i twist drilign both heel u to your gut yt
You rat! I fall over. I'm hurting in my gut and all over, and thinking it's curtains. Next thing you're across my middle, and I put my arm over your neck, and pound you in the face.
UUGHNN! i rell back up to my feet come in from the side and smash a kcik across your face
It's hurting. I jump up and grab your ball, and squeeze the living daylights out of them.

ARRRRRRGH FUUUUUUUCKK!!!!! prying at your arm yt
I slug you hard in the gut, bringing you to the mat. Before you can move on me again, I jump on your chest and wrap my legs around your neck, and put my fist between my legs and your neck and squeeze hard.. It's the knuckle cobra–the most painful sleeper of them all.
Are you out or what?
Fighting hard, fighting hard.I get to my knees fuck! this is bad!!
I swing my hips and bring you back down to the mat. You're doomed!
The fucking pain!!! GRR You’re sucking my streght as fast as i can summon it.......NO, not giving up. fighting to push your legs yt
I swing around on top of you with my legs around your neck and tightened it.
You got seconds left if even that.
RGGHHGH it so mcuh wrose!!! jock right in my face! i have a chance i kick my leg up hooking you head and yanking you down! yt
Rocks! You’re on top of me.
I twist and hammer those ribs all i can! yt
I smack your jaw and you go flying back.
stubmle back ina dazeee.. grabbing a rope to keep me up chest pumping y
I rush you with a hard knee to the gut. You fall over on your back. I can tell there's not much left of you. I grab your arm, lock your wrist, and put my foot across your throat.
gagas hard..... shit, he has more power than me atm! Fuck, fuck i twist and kick that other leg from you... easy to get free from workgint o getup in my corner
Still standing I rush you and you hit the dirt, face down. I wrap my arm around your neck, pull you up in the camel, and choke hard.
It's so enjoyable watching you go out.
FUCK fighitng you off would be hard enough at full strength!!! Getting to my knees.... shaking and prying at your arms.. just need the choke off yt
I bring you down to the mat, burying you in my arms.
throwing elbows back to you... working to get free before you smother everything i got yt
I smother your face into the mat. It's no use, give up!
world spinning. Can’t feel anything other then you pressing me to the mat
The great T is down! The strength of Hercules and enough moves to beat almost anyone!

Last edited on 10/25/2015 12:07 AM by jwest1111
