SileX blogja

Left Hook

  • SileX
  • 10/03/2020
  • 11
  • 28
  • 0

On the 3rd of Inktober my bonny gave to me
three hard left hooks
two uppercuts
and a big hug to comfort me.


Last edited on 10/03/2020 9:51 PM by SileX; 11 comment(s)

2020 Inktober Begins

Inktober always happens at the same exact time each year. So why did I only realize when I was about to go to bed and then went and scribbled something in a few minutes?

(Inktober challenge = Draw something new each day in October. Wish me luck!)


Last edited on 10/01/2020 11:04 PM by SileX; 6 comment(s)

Fight Drawing Month

As a way to channel my stir craziness, I decided I should do some fighting-related drawing each day until.. well until I think of some other way to cope. If you want me to draw you, send me your photo – only fight related stuff please. I'm starting off with the drawing below!

I would also like to say something I wanted to say for a while: While it is very inconvenient that our fight meets are canceled or delayed due to a pandemic, our inconvenience is nothing compared to those of millions of people who have no shelter, medical facilities or running water at their disposals. Do when you do your complaining on the chat or wherever you go to complain, know this: ours are first world problems. It's not war, it's not deep poverty or death.

And now to lighten up the mood, here's one of my first drawings from 2007:


Last edited on 3/22/2020 9:26 PM by SileX; 5 comment(s)

Arf Arf Christmas

  • SileX
  • 12/24/2019
  • 16
  • 26
  • 0

Arf arf arf Christmas Arf arf arf!
ARF!! (Arf arf)


Last edited on 12/24/2019 1:46 PM by SileX; 16 comment(s)

15th Inktober 2019

I promised I will draw you again. I am drawing you again...

Last edited on 10/15/2019 9:04 PM by SileX; 1 comment(s)