borets is recommended by Perseus (9/17/2012)
Now here's a guy to wrestle! strong skilled and knowledgeable and great challenge. Apart from being a gr8 host he's very articulate and comp to wrestle. One of many I hope. Wrestle him or you will miss out - top bloke.
RuffTouch is recommended by Mark uk (9/17/2012)
Jason and I have wrestled 3x i believe and always a awesome time. Skilled wrestler and ready for a long tough match. Awesome host off the mats as well. Looking forward to match 4 very soon. 10/10
RuffTouch is recommended by Guysmiley (9/17/2012)
Let me say that after a couple of tries to meet up that didn't work out, Jason was well worth the wait. He is as good as his pic looks. Grappling with punches was fantastic with him, something I enjoy a lot. I really look forward to another session with him in the future.
lutadoromano is recommended by Ted Chackry (9/17/2012)
I can thoroughly recommend "Lutador Romano "as a reliable, sane, nice guy to hook up with 4a fun bout if ur in Brazil or he happens to be visiting your country. An interesting guy who is clean!! intelligent, has a great sense of humour....&an interesting take on wrestling :-)
Pandathug is recommended by Indrslr (9/17/2012)
Good guy. Not an expert, but pretty good and willing to try and learn. Try him out.
stuttgart grappling is recommended by JWrestler (9/16/2012)
Wrestlerffm ist ein sympathischer Kerl der es einem im Kampf nicht leicht macht. Man sollte ihn nicht unterschätzen und schon garnicht denken, dass er nicht gelenkig ist.
Kurzum ein absolut fairer und verlässlicher Gegner.
Sehr gern wieder.
Perseus is recommended by Pitbull (9/16/2012)
Met Pete a couple of times and round 3 is on the cards. Awesome guy to wrestle with strength and skill. Plenty of banter and subs on both sides when we wrestled . Great guy on and off the mats. Highly Recommended. Round 3 arrived sept 2012 and yet again had an awesome rematch strong and skilled as ever with an eager appitite to make you submit .great rematch with sweat subs and great fun what more could you ask for love wrestling this fella .take him on.
Pitbull is recommended by Perseus (9/16/2012)
Well round3 came and went and Gaz always meets and exceeds my expectations.
This guy just keeps coming back at u. Great stamina and strength and the matched ebbed and flowed as it shud with subs both ways. Really great fun and 100% recommendation. Another round? Always fella
Off the mats good fun and great company to share a beer with too- top bloke.
JWrestler is recommended by stuttgart grappling (9/16/2012)
JWrestler ist ein klasse Typ mit großem Kampfgeist, er gibt wirklich alles; auch, wenn er am Vortag einen schweren Fight hatte. Man sollte seine Headlocks nicht unterschätzen. Es war ein cooler Kampf - ich hoffe auf baldige Fortsetzung! Uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen!
LukasHuber is recommended by wrestle me (9/16/2012)
Sich mit LukasHuber auf einen Ringkampf zu verabreden macht einfach Spaß! Er ist unkompliziert, freundlich und direkt. Beim Ringen bedarf es schon einiges an Kraft und Technik um gegen ihn anzukommen. Aber die Freude kommt dabei nie zu kurz! Und so nebenbei kann man sich mit ihm auch noch über Gott und die Welt unterhalten! Der nächste Termin ist schon für eine Revanche reserviert! Ich kann ihn ohne Einschränkungen empfehlen!
Meeting LukasHuber for a fight is a real pleasure! He is uncomplicated, friendly and direct. If you wanna compete with him you need a certain strenght and technic know-how. But it will always be fun! And beside that you can discuss with him about a lot of different things! The next fight for a revenge is already booked! I can recommend him without any limitations.