MeetFighters News

Greetings, Fighters!

I just got a message from someone asking (among other things) how long the site has been operating. I checked the calendar – is exactly one month old, that is, the the site officially opened a month ago. Somebody open a bottle of champagne!

Where we are: we have 237 members who have sent a total of 3624 messages. The combined weight of our members is 21 tons. Granted, that's not a lot of people when you add the fact that we have a global audience from a 64 countries and states.

It is my hope that the site will continue to grow. Personally I would set the goal to accumulate 2000 members by the end of 2009.

Everyone, thanks for registering, and happy fighting!

Admin out.

Last edited on 1/11/2009 11:11 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)


Dear members,

I created a new page, full of statistics.

You can access this page from the users list directly, and you will find exciting data, such as the combined weight of our members exceeds 19 U.S. tons, or that the most frequent age is 38 years old.

Perhaps this is not the most useful feature of our site, but it was fun to make! :)

Admin out

Last edited on 1/09/2009 10:27 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)


The site has now grown past 200 users. I can no longer remember every single person who has registered! Thanks for everyone who has helped spread the word. I appreciate your help.

Also thanks to those who have been using the Bugs and Suggestions page! Based on your input, I have been making some changes, closing two entries:

  • Tracker/2009-01-07 2: It is now possible to send multiple invitations with the same message. After you send an invite, you get to send another invite with the same text. Just enter a different e-mail address.
  • Tracker/2009-01-01: I have added the following to the list of interests:
    • Brazilian ju-jitsu
    • Wrestling with body punches
    • Outdoors fights
    • Tag team / group fights
    • Trampling

If you fancy any of these, visit your profile and check them!

Admin out.

Last edited on 1/08/2009 8:07 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Greetings to All Fighters!

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has used the Suggestion box and thus helped improving the site! Today, I have granted two entries from the wishlist:

  • Tracker/2008-12-13 2: There is now a unified preferences page, where you can do all your tasks from changing your profile to editing your blog. In addition, there's now two options:
    • You can choose to see profiles in a new window.
    • You can disable the message notifications.
  • Tracker/2008-12-21 and Tracker/2008-12-25: There's been a long discussion regarding the Friends Feature. Basically, some people have complained about being marked as "friends" by people whom they have never even heard of. Based on an online discussion, I have changed the term "friends" to "favorites". People who mark you as "favorite" are now your "fans".

PLEASE participate in our ongoing discussions and suggest new features if you have ideas or find bugs. I would like to request your input on Tracker/2008-12-27, I would love to hear about your first impression!

Admin out.

Last edited on 12/30/2008 3:41 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Following a suggestion by gutpuncher33 and gmuscles, I rolled out a new feature, called "New profiles".

Basically, it is an enhancement to the Recent changes feature; accessible from the "Main menu" on the left part of the screen. What the new feature does is that it lists the new profiles (those that were created in the past 7 days), profiles that have changed recently, and new blog entries (perhaps you will spot this one there). I may end up tweaking the look of the profile list a little, it's not perfect the way it is now.

Enjoy using it, and thank you guys for suggesting it! :)

Oh, and just a heads up: tonight our site has passed 100 members! Wow! Thanks for everyone who has invited his friends. This wouldn't have happened without your help.

Admin out.

Last edited on 12/27/2008 9:41 AM by Admin; 0 comment(s)