MeetFighters News


I've made some small, incremental improvements to existing site features:

  • On member profile pages, you can click on a link next to member's location. The link will show both you and the other person on the World Map of All Fighters.
  • You can now search for online members. At the time of writing, there are 17 members online.
  • The system will not let you message a person twice within a minute. Apparently some members liked to double-click the "Send" button, causing their message to be sent twice.

Coming up next: multiple locations (up to 5 per member).

Admin out.

Last edited on 5/01/2009 3:57 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Probably the most frequent complaints about the site have been about Chat. It was well deserved, too: the chat was a rush job. It worked, barely, with some problems:

  • Some users just couldn't connect. Maybe it was the java applet verification, maybe something else. I could never figure out why.
  • You couldn't look up member profiles from the chat window itself.
  • Creating rooms, switching between channels was not very intuitive.

Thanks to Mibbit, we have a new site chat that solves all the above problems. Please visit your preferences to select which site chat you wish to use. Also, the site now includes instructions about how you can connect with your own chat software. The advantage of using your own software instead of Mibbit or java are many:

  • Better usability than anything browser-based.
  • You can log your conversations.
  • You can customize font size, colors, use plug-ins, etc.

If you can do without these, Mibbit will hopefully fit you just fine.

Also, when you are logged into chat, you will get instant messages whenever you receive a new message here.

Admin out.

Last edited on 4/21/2009 10:35 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

I have made some small modifications to the Advanced Search:

  • Tracker/2009-02-01 2: You can search by region (e.g. Europe, USA, South-America, ...)
  • Tracker/2009-01-03 3: The search form is now hidden after a search. You can click on a link to make it visible again, to modify your search terms.
  • Tracker/2009-04-14: You can now specify the number of results per page.

Happy searching!

Admin out.

Last edited on 4/20/2009 3:25 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

A little present for our shy members: I'm closing Tracker/2009-04-07 today, submitted by markaskey. Now you can see the list of members who have viewed your profile recently.

I started collecting this information a few days ago, and decided that now is the time to start showing it.

You can access this information by clicking on "Preferences" on the lefthand menu, and choosing "Who Has Seen Your Profile?" on the screen that follows.

Admin out.

Last edited on 4/19/2009 9:42 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Now that all our wonderful members have had some fun marking past opponents, it's time to show you something cool:

Introducing the Great Fighting Cobweb: Who Fought Who? (or is that whom?) Once again it's proven that no man is an island... unless he is.

Admin out

Last edited on 4/17/2009 9:18 PM by Admin; 1 comment(s)