MeetFighters News

Hi AllFighters,

Since its creation one and a half years ago, the site has been growing at a steady pace. I am happy to announce that as of this week, we have passed the 3000-member threshold.

Big thanks for everyone who has helped me achieve this: guys who have encouraged or advised me, guys who helped with photo moderation, or just listened to me rant about trouble users. Also thank you donor members, your money helped finance our server upgrades. And finally, thanks to all our members! The site is by you and for you all.

Personally it was a great one and a half years. I made great friends and learned a lot.

In return to all your participation, I am happy to announce an improvement for the forums: a section for stories and some other forum categories.

Onwards to the 4000 milestone!

Admin out.

Last edited on 7/24/2010 7:50 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Dear members,

It appears that the free e-mail providers "" and "" (both owned my Microsoft) are silently dropping e-mail notifications sent by our servers. There is no error message or indication as to reason, which is a violation of e-mail protocol. If you use any of these services, it is recommended that you switch to another e-mail provider.

Admin out.

Last edited on 7/18/2010 1:44 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Server Upgrade

Hi AllFighters,

This is just a quick notice that our web server has just received a RAM upgrade. You might experience a noticeable speed improvement, especially during busy hours when 100+ members are online simultaneously.

Admin out.

Last edited on 7/13/2010 4:50 PM by Admin; 1 comment(s)

This site news article contains information about changes in the messaging functionality. Please read on to see how it might affect you!

Dear members,

When you visit your inboxes, you will notice a new link at the top, labeled "Download all messages a .zip file". This is, in fact, what the link is for: it lets you save all your messages on your computer. Please don't forget that (unless you have donated) starting next month old messages will start expiring; this new feature will give you an easy way of preserving them.

Also, the message history page now shows the contents of the messages between you and a given member, hopefully simplifying your conversations.

Admin out.

Last edited on 6/19/2010 12:29 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Hi everyone,

Hopefully the performance problems that the site has experienced in the past week are now over. This is the largest website that I've ever created; I am learning new ways of improving performance as I go. It's all very exciting from an engineering point of view!

On the plus side, I am fairly confident that the present software and hardware will comfortably scale to a few hundred online members.

Thanks everyone for putting up with the slowdowns.

– Admin out.

Last edited on 6/13/2010 8:26 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)