MeetFighters News

Dear members,

From the very start, the creator of MeetFighters envisioned the site as a non-commercial project. The mission of the site was creating a personals site where the main purpose is allowing people interested in fighting to meet. I took over the site with the promise of keeping the site true to its original purpose.

What is wrong with commercial interest? Nothing in principle. Our societies are largely built on "enlightened self-interest", aren't they? On the other hand, too much of it can compromise the original mission of the site. We could put up huge banner ads. We could make deals with video production companies. We could limit what functionality is available for free, keeping basic features locked away behind a paywall. We don't do any of these things. We are not raking in the dough, because we believe that doing so would compromise our goal. Donations keep the site afloat, for which we are grateful to our membership. You guys rule! :)

So, our site's mission is not being compromised by commercial interest on our part. But what about commercial interests of others?

We just had an incident in which our site, a free, non-commercial project, was threatened with litigation by a company that was using our site (for free) to promote certain events and services and were claiming that we were interfering with their business. Some profiles were deleted. We are not at the liberty to disclose any details.

We maintain that the site's purpose is allowing fighters to meet. By its nature, the site is for personal, non-commercial use. My question to the community is this: What shall we do about commercial use? Up until now, we have taken a "live and let live" approach and allowed people to link to their commercial homepages, promote commercial events, offer paid services, etc. We have seen no harm being done to our site and figured that some of our community might find these services useful. So, why not? This is why. We don't want to be sued. We are not set up as facilitators of other people's business and have no interest in it anyhow. We certainly do not have the capacity to deal with the fallout.

(On a related note, the Events page is removed until further notice.)

Open question to all members: what are your thoughts on this? Your votes (multiple choice) and comments are welcome.

Allow commercial activity on MeetFighters?

This poll is closed.
Last edited on 8/02/2015 9:33 PM by Admin; 71 comment(s)

Dear Fighters,

I am happy to announce that the new site engine is now live, and seems to be functioning OK.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the beta testing for more than 10 minutes. Still, some bugs surely remain, and I am fixing them as they are reported. The good news is that the new engine has a lot of new features:

  • Tracker/2014-02-09: "Searching the database." Going back in the browser history to the search result list will not clear the list.
  • Tracker/2014-01-13: Recommendations are prettier, looking like speech bubbles. This makes it clearer who is recommending whom (or not).
  • Tracker/2013-07-22 2: Profiles are limited to 10 photos (20 for donating members). This helps profiles load faster and saves bandwidth for mobile users. Nothing of value is lost: photos over the limit simply spill over to the gallery, only one click away.
  • Tracker/2013-04-10: "Abuse flags should be more clear about their direction". Recommendations are now color coded for your convenience. (Apologies to the colorblind.)
  • Tracker/2013-04-08 2: "Meetings don't move in calendar". The meeting feature received a few bugfixes and will hopefully be easier to use.
  • Tracker/2013-01-01 4: It is now possible to attach multiple photos to a message. You can upload them or select them from your uploaded photos.
  • Tracker/2012-12-09: The mobile version of the site received a bunch of improvements, including a better layout and menu system.
  • Tracker/2012-12-07: Searching is improved in many ways. There is a "simple" search form for quick queries.
  • Tracker/2012-10-12 3: "Search for keywords". You can enter a keyword to search for, either using the search field on the top of the page, or going to the search page.
  • Easier previews and editing help for profile introductions, comments, blog entries, etc.
  • Text formatting rules are a bit easier.

Internally, the code received a lot of cleanup and polish. Hopefully this huge undertaking will help keep the site fresh and useful for everybody.

In unrelated news, it was reported that our friendly rival site, GlobalFight was victim of a rather severe hack. It is recommended to change your password immediately if you are using the same password here as you do on GF.

Happy wrestling,

Last edited on 5/03/2014 5:16 PM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

Hello everyone,

I am working on the next version of the site engine. It's going to be great: faster and more versatile than the present one. It will feature a much improved search engine, it will allow multiple attachments in messages, it will make shoes for orphans! (OK, that last one is not true.)

This is a request to "senior" site members, who know the site inside and out, to try the new site and report any bugs that you find. Apply with management here!

On an unrelated note, Happy Easter!


Last edited on 4/20/2014 5:04 PM by Admin; 1 comment(s)


Heartbleed (aka CVE-2014-0160) is a security vulnerability in some versions of the open-source OpenSSL cryptography library. This news post is disclosure of MeetFighters' vulnerability to this exploit.

MeetFighters had a vulnerable version of OpenSSL at the time when the exploit was publicized. :( We have replaced the vulnerable version of OpenSSL with a fixed version the next day.

Who is affected?
Anyone logging in to MeetFighters with https ( instead of
Was any information stolen?
Unknown, Heartbleed is untraceable. We do not see any suspicious activity, but cannot be sure that no information was stolen.
What do I do?
Change your password if you have been using https to access MeetFighters. Also change your password if you use the same password on another site that was/is vulnerable to Heartbleed.


Last edited on 4/14/2014 9:13 AM by Admin; 0 comment(s)

8500 Members!

I realize that it's been a while since the last piece site news. Here's a bit of an update.

I am working on the next generation of site code, based on a new engine. It's a lot of work and I expect to finish it late spring. The new site will look and feel very much like the present one, with a few enhancements and fixing of some longstanding bugs. I am very excited about this project because the new codebase will allow me to add new features or fix bugs much easier.

Also, we have passed 8500 members this week. I think that is pretty cool. :)

Admin out.

Last edited on 4/06/2014 10:06 PM by Admin; 1 comment(s)