So my friend came up with an offer that was unusual. It started with a question on whatsapp.

"So on meetfighters, you use recommendations and past opponents to find matches? "

"Yep, " I replied, "it's for me the best feature of the site. It's why I used it and why I've stayed. "

"Doesn't it take some of the fun out of it though?"

"Well if by fun you mean safe? No. Not at all."

"Well it takes the mystery out of it. You can research your opponent. Check out what he likes, what other people have said about them. Their strengths and weaknesses. Isn't the best thing about fighting working out your opponent as you are fighting them? "

Now he's misunderstood something. I'm aware that recommendations aren't always gospel. I'm not saying anyone is lying - But it's one person's review of another person at one period of time.

Even if you message one of your past opponents about a future opponent, it's always worth remembering that whether they had a good time or bad time could be for a huge number of reasons, some of which may not happen in your match.

Someone may have found one guy a total arrogant arsehole whereas I might have found I enjoyed their sense of humour. One guy who may have been great company of that mat to them may have ended up struggling with me to find any common ground to chat. The "total jobber" that you wrestled may have been in a slightly more "heel" mood with me.

Sometimes good people have bad days and vice versa.

I've not been often put wrong. I'll often read recommendations then message just to get the vague details. Did they turn up? Did they stop when you said stop? Could you see the two of us having a good match?

The last question is more subjective but more intriguing in the answer. Most times it's been yes, of course. Occasionally I'll get- No, he's a great guy but I don't think you'd enjoy it. Usually means that they are a bit more scrappy. Or a higher skill level.

Of course I take all advice on advisement.

Sometimes you have to be aware that people have beef, feuds and clashing egos. Sometimes people can be gossipy and malicious. (I found that out when listening at a group meet where one guy was talking about a previous opponent - and kinda put me off. Till someone later pointed out that there was some other history there going on and I should judge for myself.)

I kinda messaged all this to my mate. But in a briefer way.

And then of course at a group meet you may meet people who are complete strangers to you then you are wrestling them blind. Judging as you go exactly how rough they want you to be etc.

My mate then had an interesting suggestion.

"How about I set you up on a blind fight? There's a guy I know who I think you'd have a good match. So I'll set it up. You just turn up, he'll turn up. Neither knowing the other. And fight. "

Knowing that I'm a bit cautious and nervous about matches at times.

"I'll ref. You trust me, right? Up for it?"

I've not whatsapped him back yet. I do trust him as much as anyone. Certainly I see no reason for him to wish me harm. I've known him longer than I've been on this site.

When I first joined here, I was going to always say yes to anything new. Anything that I even vaguely fancied doing. I do fancy doing this.

I know what my answer will probably be 😉

Last edited on 6/28/2018 3:16 AM by hephaestion2014
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