So I've been a bit AWOL/MIA of late. See my last blog. Needed some time away.

But am back now. A good friend invited me down to come and wrestle. Bit nervous at first but everything seemed settled at home, and he understood that if the phone went, I'd have to be on a train leaving for home as soon as possible. That didn't happen, and the occasional sneaky looks at my phone meant I could relax.

And relax I did. Well as much as you can in a headlock fighting against your limbs being bent at weird angles :)

I won't go into the match. Suffice to say, I'm not getting any better but I'm also not getting worse - and that to me is the important part.

I missed wrestling.

Now, I'm not pretending I'm one of those people who live and breathe wrestling. Who train day in and out, can do push up on their knuckles and bridge on the top of their head. My game is very amateur. It's a hobby.

But like most hobby, I enjoy the happiness it brings. The feeling of turning off your mind to everyday problems - Work, Corbyn, Existential angst - and just being in your body and not your mind. Being present in an actual moment. Connecting with a more aggressive side of yourself that civilisation encourages you to swallow.

I really recommend to anyone on this site who likes watching wrestling videos etc but hasn't given it a go to try and do it. It is nerve racking that first time, but if you're worried about safety and the like - try the more public meets at the UK wrestling spaces in high barnet, Walthamstow or even go to the wilds of civilisation and dare to brave the flatcaps and ferrets of the north and Manchester ; )

After wrestling, I ache, bruise and am sore. Mainly cos I'm unfit, stubborn and don't pace myself - but more importantly afterwards for a few seconds, minutes even longer - I get a peaceful easy feeling.

For a moment or two, the world is different. I'm different. I'm Hephaestion the wrestler not Hephaestion the no-one drudge.

Its nice. And as recent events have reminded me, you meet great people along the way. Always more good than bad..

Plus it's handy when a customer tries to start a fight with you, you're a bit more able to defend yourself :) The stance and even trying to emulate a couple of opponents deathstares can sometimes dissuade - but if not, I can even dodge punches now lol

So yeah, ignore the gripes and groans - wrestling is great. Go do it now, if you haven't already.

Be safe, have fun and bring it on.

Last edited on 5/12/2017 1:46 AM by hephaestion2014
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