Okay, well am not wrestling this weekend so have been thinking about it instead. And some conversations I have been having about it with some good seasoned wrestlers and some newbies too.

The question that I was asked that inspired this rumination was: does Wrestling hurt?

Well I wasn't sure what to answer at first. As didn't want to put the guy off and didn't want to lie either. So my answer was depends. Depends on the type of wrestling you want to do.

I like subs. Now pain is a part of that. "Hurt not injure". The holds are designed to be uncomfortable/painful so that you have to submit. Its the threat and promise of pain that is a part of subs. Not that it is some masochistic/sadistic game. If you are wrestling someone who knows what they are doing, no hold will be slammed on but eased on. And the guy who is having the hold put on him is in control of the pain. When its too much, he will tap or say I submit and the hold will be released. You may not be in control of the hold applied but for how long it is.

I can't really speak about pro wrestling, my experience is too limited. Of course some holds if really applied will hurt. But a lot of pro is the sell. Punches are pulled etc ...

Then there are the fun roll arounds where it is more erotically orientated, and the scraps where it is more about the aggression and it will hurt.

Its important that if you are entering into a match, and are new that you decide and agree with your opponent what you want before.

I'm more probably the wrong person to ask if it will hurt. I like a little bit of pain :)

And happy to go rougher with people I know well. Ill never go level 10 at first. Like body taps and punches. Go lighter and work up harder. You'll often hear me say, "You can go harder if you like " to some opponents. Because I trust them to be safe, sane and controlled.

But as for the aches and soreness. Wrestling is exercise. And am sure after a good workout, a game of tennis, rugby, soccer or even diving that the muscles will ache and complain the next day. Least you know you have thrown yourself into it :-)

Now off to think how can I be more aggressive ;)

Last edited on 10/17/2015 8:30 PM by hephaestion2014
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