edscissors's blog

As I mentioned a few days ago, I've just reached my 5-year anniversary with our superb site. I was teased (don't worry - I can take it!) by a very senior, respected, well-known MF person for mentioning some recurring names amongst the fine friends I have made - the Alexes, the Dans, the ... Craigs ... No, not "common", of course: just superb friends who happen to share names!

I neglected to pay tribute to some of the most recent friends I have made, all so young, but all so articulate, so interesting, so ready, it seems, to chat about anything and everything with an older guy. There's a Cal, a Ryan, a Michael ...

And then, of course, there's P in Austria, yet another young, articulate, good friend ... and I.A. - so young, so expert, such a nice friend to have.

What a GREAT site this is.

Last edited on 5/30/2019 12:01 AM by edscissors; 1 comment(s)

I speak French ... but as I'm pretty old, I'm not necessarily up to date with current French slang.

I saw a blog post ... Kiffpanards. Maybe you did too. Clicked. Nothing there at all.

A few days later (actually, this evening) i sent a message. As I thought, "kiff" is French slang for "j'aime" - I like.

Kiffpanards told me that "panards" is slang for "feet".

Many thanks, kiffpanards, for your French lesson! I'm grateful.

I'll remember you. I suspect I may need to consult friends before using this word, new to me, in polite society ... but thanks, kiffpanards.

But now, you've cancelled your membership. Why? I only asked ...

Any other francophones here at MF able to advise in what circumstances "panards" might be acceptable ... or, indeed, where the word comes from?


Last edited on 3/17/2019 9:57 PM by edscissors; 0 comment(s)


SORRY! A few days ago, I posted a blog entry about how to be a BAD Meetfighters member. What I wrote was intended in a jocular sort of way but I am afraid I got the tone entirely wrong. There are certainly things which I would guess many of us find annoying (e.g. all those prick photos to peer-review - please just ... go away!) but, as was pointed out to me by a fine person much, much younger than me, why INVITE negativity?

So. Encomium. Coming up - and I invite you all to contribute. Oh - "encomium"? A speech or piece of writing which praises someone or something highly.


- Tolerant, welcoming, encouraging, efficient, reliable
- Website SO well designed, so elegant; effortlessly surpasses rival sites


- By and large, what a nice, tolerant bunch of people you/we are!
- I've met some superb people here and am so grateful.
- I don't "do" social media ... but have so many friends here with whom I can, day to day, discuss anything and everything.

That's just a start.

Does anyone want to add? More NICE things about MF?

Last edited on 2/09/2019 12:01 AM by edscissors; 4 comment(s)