"Hey, look over there!" Frank turned to his right... "The table at the window!" Joe pointed to the table where two muscular men were sitting, busy talking to each other. A dark-haired and a blond guy, both with three-day-beards. "Wow" Frank wispered when he saw them... "where do I know those faces from? „You remember the 2 vs 2 group" on the fighters web page?“ Joe responded. „Right!“ Frank had another look to the couple… „let’s find out if they really fight.“
Frank and Joe selected the hotel due to it's nice beach, the positive recommendations and even more important... it's well equiped gym. Both men were as muscular as the couple they just discovered, exercizing almost every day and... they loved wrestling.
So the gym was agreed to follow the breakfast.
Back to their room they got prepaired for their daily workout. "Really interesting couple" Frank said with his dark voice while he put his red tank top over his blond hair. "...definetly hot for a fight." "I haven't seen them here before, they must have been arrived recently." Joe responded. "What about sending them a challenge?" Frank's answer was immediate "do it!" Joe's cock started to swell when he clicked the challenge button.
After a while in the gym their upper bodies were pumped, Frank’s red tank top and Joe's blue tshirt were wet. They decided to finish exercising and spend the rest of the day at the beach. After one week their bodies were already tanned.
They were about to leave when the door opened. The couple they saw at the breakfast was entering, both wearing tank tops. Frank and Joe recognized their well defined pecs and biceps. As Joe, the dark-haired haired had his chest hair trimmed. "Hi guys" the blond guy said. "How's the gym? "Well, actually very good." Joe responded with a smile. "Challenge accepted", Jack, the dark haired stated after a moment of silence. What are you guys into?" he added. "Wrestling" Frank responded, "and some boxing" Joe added while punching Frank's left pec. Steve the blond guy eyeballed Frank's and Joe's bodies before saying with a smile "we too.“ "What about a match tonight?" Frank asked, also smiling with a touch of predominance. "Just where?" Steve was looking around "it will be difficult to find a place within the hotel."
"Well, there is a room behind the gym..." Frank was pointing to a door. "No windows, but mats and the door can be locked." "The gym closes at 8. So... what about half past 8 tonight?" Jack said, while feeling his cock was semi hard… as the others also.
Quickly the four men agreed to have a 2 vs 2 match. During the day the two couples chatted and checked each others profile. It turned out that the fight would be pretty rough with just little rules. Only heads and kicks to the groin would be excluded.
It was 08:32 when Jack opened the door to the back room. They found Frank and Joe in their blue speedos sitting on the mats. "Hey, ready to lose?" Jack asked with a smile while Steve was locking the door. "Be careful man" Frank returned while smiling also and rising his clenched right fist. The arrivers stoppend in front of Frank and Joe, looking down to them with straight faces and flexing their pecs. Silence followed for a few moments. A slight kick of Jack's right foot to Frank's left shoulder pushed him on his back. Joe immediately got on his feet and in a fight position in front of Steve. "Wait!" Frank stopped his partner. "Let the loosers undress before they get their lesson."
Adrenaline was now flowing trough bodies and blood was pumping into cocks. Jack and his partner undressed, threw their tanks and shorts on a pile and came back to the mats, both wearing red speedos. Meanwhile Frank got on his feet. The two couples eyeballed each other... Their now hard cocks were clearly visible. Frank was the smallest, with about 6 cm difference between him and Steve, the tallest with his 1,87 m. His hairless upper body was nice with well build abs. Jack's dark chest hair was trimmed and his abs were equaly build. Joe had the biggest biceps. A big vein was as visible as on Jack's arms. His abs and pecs were covered with equally trimmed light-brown hair. "Okay" Steve broke the silence "everything goes, except head shots and kicks to the groin." He repeated the rules they agreed on while chatting earlier that day. "Fight takes as long as needed to have clear winners." Jack added.
„Until both fighters of one team give up or are KO." Frank followed while facing Jack's eyes. The four brought themselves in a fight position. Joe's hands were ready to grab Steve who clenched his fists. Both started slowly circling...

Frank did a kick towards Jack’s left leg but missed his hairy target and Jack's left hand signalized Frank to come closer. Suddenly Frank's right foot hit Jack's left tight. Now kicks and fists found their targets, some caused the fighters to groan. The sound of fists and feet hitting skin filled the room.
Frank's first kick distracted Joe for a second. Steve grabbed his right arm and threw him down. Immediately both got into a ground fight. They were rolling around and arms, abs as well as pecs got the main target for fists and ellbows. Their cocks were still hard, so the balls were easy to hit. Joe's right knee landed the first strike. His own balls immediately had to pay for the attack. Both men were groaning in pain and holding their balls for a moment. The fight continued as Joe suddenly rolled towards Steve forced him to turn and took him in a choke from backwards Steve desperately tried with both hands to take Joe's muscled arm from his throat. Quickly he realized that he had to get out of this soon. His ellbows hit Steve‘s ribs while their hairy legs crossed with all their power taking in accout to brake each others bones. It was a really competition of strenght. Steve was hardly able to breathe. Soon both men were completely sweaty.
Meanwhile Jack and Joe continued their kickbox fight. Their legs showed some sore and bloody marks, bruises were visible on their sweaty skin when they suddenly got into a bearhug. They were struggeling, both seemed to try pressing out the live of their opponents body. Suddenly they landed on the ground... That was the last thing Frank saw before he got unconcious.
The moment Joe realized he had to fight two men was when Jack landed a hard punch on his right arm... his body was hit by fists in a fast row while his own feet and fists tried to defend him...
When Frank slowly opened his eyes he saw his partner undressed facing the ground and groaning with pain. Anger was growing deep in his body. Jack was lying on Joe's back throwing his arms backwards while Steve was kneeing behind Joe, ready to fuck him. His hard cock just touched Joe's butt.
It was too late when Steve felt something gliding upwarts between his hairy legs. Frank's right fist hit it's target. A violent pain was flowing through his body. Jack's balls did almost burst. With a laud groan he lost his ballance and toppled sidewarts, holding his nuts. Turning his face towards that noise Jack had no chance. Frank’s left fist hit his nose. Blood sputtered on Joe's back, whose body was still trapped under Jack.
Now released he turned quickly towards Frank "let's give them a lesson... no mercy from now, no rules.." Steve was still on his knees, his fists clenched. Sweat was running down his face and body and mixed with some blood. He turned towards Frank... "you will pay for this" he added...
Determined to win this unexpected brutal fight Frank and Joe attacked their opponents. It wasn't agreed to fuck losers...
Quickly the four got into a hard ground fight. Steve and Joe were naked whereas Frank and Jack still wore their speedos. It was a real brawl with only one goal: one couple would be ko. Their sweaty bodies were rolling around, got in clinches and bearhugs. Frank's ellbow opened a cut on Steve's eyebrow... blood was flowing out of it and mixed with sweat on bodies and mats.
Joe's left hit Jack's still bleeding nose. Both managed to get on their knees. Jack grabbed Joe's hair and pulled his head down. The right hit Joe's mouth. Pain was flowing through his head and the fist was again on the way to the same target when he grabbed Jack's arm, first with one then with two hands. Both fell sidewarts. Joe started turning Jack's arm, almost to break it when a violent pain spread through his body. Jack's right knee hit his balls. With a laud groan he released Jack's hairy arm.

Jack was about to roll over his opponent when he felt that muscled arm around his throat and a painful impact on his right kidney. It was Frank. Steve was muzzy from a stroke to his chin.. So Frank was free to support his partner.
Desperately and hard breathing Jack tried to get out of this situation. Frank's left hit his body mercilessly again and again finally he ended up lying on Jack's back. Joe treated the black haired legs with his knees.
His mouth was still hurting and a small cut caused by Jack’s fist released some blood. He rubbed his face off from sweat when Steve grabbed him from backwards by his already swollen balls. The pain was intense and caused him to squall. Steve’s face was unprotected when Jack’s head hit it. The balls were released and Joe quickly turned towards his opponent.
Their bodies smashed on the mats. Both were hard breathing, rolling around and trying with their last power to finish this fight.
Suddenly Joe was on top pushing Steve’s arms down, without a chance to escape. His balls and cock were lying on Steve’s sweaty chest when his fists hit Steve’s face again and again. His bloody knuckles stopped punching when Steve’s head fell sidewards.
Meanwhile Frank and Jack were still fighting on the ground. Enervated from the fight their moves and attacks had less power. Both bodies were bloody, marked and scratched from a real hard fight.
The final decision was just seconds away when Joe grabbed Jack’s balls and started squeezing powerful… the revenge for the try to fuck him. Jack’s hands tried to free his nuts… he got unconsious when Frank’s right fist did the final punch….
Steve woke up first. He found himself lying near his partner. Whiping his face he realized a huge load of cum had been shot on it. His and his partners face showed several cuts… cum was flowing of Jack’s face and mixed with blood on the mat.

Last edited on 5/10/2017 4:49 PM by Clack



briansp (56 )

5/14/2017 12:37 PM

Good action and hot! A couple of writers points would have made it easier to read. When describing the action keep the same viewpoint - for example - if writing from one character's perspective stay with that character. If you are going to narrate as a third party then stay with that. By switching it confuses the reader. Also you can only describe what one character is thinking if you are writing from that viewpoint. The only way to determine what other characters are thinking is by what they say and do.
