Wrestling Videos on the Net

Older Jobber Vids or Newer Jobber Vids

ks56 (9)

10/04/2021 5:22 AM

Older ones definitely, more believable. I could tell the jobbers were in trouble from the start. Heels really enjoyed it.


westfalia (1)

10/04/2021 3:41 PM

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I don't care who wins, as long as the 2 men are evenly matched & it ends with the loser getting fucked!!
In the older ones the fight and the sex seem more real. The newer ones just seem fixed. But then, what do I know?


westfalia (1)

10/02/2021 11:38 AM

The newer ones look better, but the older ones with just 2 guys alone & no audience to play to are hotter. I love watching those 'builder bears' getting it on - very sexy...


bigchicago (68)

10/02/2021 11:05 PM

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What video company are you referring too?


westfalia (1)

10/03/2021 10:04 AM

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Good question. I'm trying to find the profile of the guy who put them on here. Something like 'EUforit' (the company) I think. Builder Bears 3 vids & 3 battles. Very horny.


scissornpinmenow (0)

10/02/2021 7:37 AM

I prefer the older videos which are a little 'rough round the edges'. The newer ones are just too slick for my tastes.


mochablk (22)

10/04/2021 2:58 PM

(In reply to this)

I agree totally.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

10/01/2021 4:15 PM

For those that like to watch the jobber wrestling vids. Do you prefer the ones of the past or the ones of today? I lean slightly to the older ones, but the newer ones just look better.

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