Wrestling Videos on the Net

For Those That Watch Jobber Vs Heel Matches

NJWoodbridge (141)

9/27/2022 7:18 PM

Sal writes, "Remember when slamming a body on the ring apron, a table or the cement floor was enough?" Come on Sal, you are being coy - you are as old as I am or older. I remember when things done now multiple times in a match (with minimum impact) were finishers when done once: suplexes, pile drivers, ab stretches, camel clutches, Boston crabs, power bombs, pedigrees, and any slam or smash from the top rope. Also, there were more count outs for not returning to the ring and a few other things (back in the day when States regulated professional wrestling the way they still regulate professional boxing). And wasn't it a three-count, not a five count?

Anyhow to answer Al's question, I like most jobber/heel matches. The kind of total domination/destruction that Sal describes are fun to watch (or be in), but the heel has to be particularly good at verbal taunting to make it entertaining for the long time period (like Sal is). And few heels can or ever could pull that off over the course of a 15 minute tv match never mind an hour or more video. Jesse Ventura could do it. Kid Leopard could. But I also like it when the Jobber (or face) does that taunting, which you rarely see. The skinny Thom Katt was delightful taunting the big man with "is that all you got" and "hurt me more."


CoachSal (13 )

9/27/2022 7:21 AM

1. Total domination.... From before the bell to after the win and the abuse continues unabated until the HEEL says he's done.
2. Punching..... No frills, no aerial moves, plain and simple beating the living fk out of the jobber. A simple power punch to the gut. A handful of hair in a corner and head shots making the connection over and over.
3. No. Mercy. Ever. The heels sole job is to destroy the jobber..... Not fight, not tangle, just overpower, beat, abuse, toy with, strangle, choke, hyper extend, stomp, kick, punch, elbow, knee drop and sleeper to Ko..... And then the fun starts after the ref is chased from the ring and no rules apply.... Not that rules seemed to hinder the match itself.

Wrestling today is gymnastics, flying, constantly outdoing other big moves with bigger ones. Remember when slamming a body on the ring apron, a table or the cement floor was enough? Now you have to be a graduate of cirque de soliel. No....


Gregorio2 (10)

9/27/2022 7:17 PM

(In reply to this)

Good solid, horn dawg commentary. Don't overlook the spray tanned beauty pageant in today's squared circle


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

9/27/2022 3:04 PM

(In reply to this)

Well as far as the last part, I think that's just the result of the generation being inspired and influenced by wrestlers out side of the typical.


The Face (12)

9/27/2022 6:58 AM

TallProWrest, I like the same and, yes, Ronnie Garvin vs. Tommy Angel match is a great example. Garvin, with his infamous "Stomp" was truly a great heel, the likes of which I would love to be in a ring with. While Tommy Angel's looks (face and physique) never did it for me, in this match, the amount of abuse he takes actually makes him more appealing. Would have preferred Tom Zenk, Paul Roma, Kenny Kendall, Brad Armstrong or Kevin von Erich as the face/jobber.


TallProWrest (0)

9/27/2022 5:33 AM

I like the total domination a heel has over a jobber, and gets pleasure from hurting his opponent. Love a nasty heel fighting dirty to keep control over his opponent. Love a heel who gets off on a down and dirty fight. This is great example.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

9/26/2022 5:02 PM

Just out out of curiosity I wanted to hear you guys thoughts on this. For those that watch the Jobber Vs Heel matches. What are the three main things you look for when you're watching? Also, what determines a great match? And does you getting off on justify it being impactful to you?

I'd love to hear examples of matches or even jobbers/heels that come to mind that you've seen.

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