
Finding out if a woman is interested in watching a fight

Couplesmatch (1 )

5/14/2024 3:07 PM

My wife and I were waiting in the car to pick up my daughter. While she was scrolling through her phone I told her about an upcoming fight I was going to have. Normally she just ignores me. As I told her about the rules and type of match, she perked up and said "Oh, I though you already had that fight." I was surprised she was listening. I should have asked if she wanted to watch, but I didn't. Not sure she would want to anyway. Will ask one day.



9/18/2023 4:35 PM

You are right on with this..while we guys love the idea of fighting for her..SHE has got to want to see a fight. Ive had 2 couples turn me down because SHE WASNT into it.. the woman calls the shots


Friday-Homes (1)

7/06/2023 11:57 AM

Ever since I have been interested in fighting, I became more curious as to women’s interest in male combat. As such, I have honed a ‘conversational’ strategy to tentatively glean if a woman is interested or not about men fighting. One good example thus follows. I know a beautiful Korean woman, early 40’s and quite reserved in nature. Always curious if she was interested in hearing about fighting, so I thought I would give it a go – let’s say an ‘experiment.’
We normally meet up every week and often go for country walks, so thought this would be a good opportunity to brooch the subject. I dropped her a simple email, saying would she like to meet up and go for a walk, and added, ‘oh by the way, I have a funny story for you about a fight I had a few years ago.’
Normally, she would take about a day to reply, but tellingly enough, she replied almost immediately, saying ‘wow, yes, lets do it and yes, you MUST tell me about your fight, keen to hear all about it’! Hmm, I thought, I did not expect that! Great the date was set for the forthcoming Sunday at 2pm.
We met up at our usual quiet spot in the countryside, and started walking. To begin, the conversation was light hearted and generally classed as minor chitchat. After a while, I could sense that she wanted to turn the conversation around to that of ‘the fight.’ After some awkward silences, she raised the subject – ‘so about this fight that you had, tell me’ in a nervous manner. If you ask a woman about fighting in general, say in the abstract – more than not, most would not be interested in the subject. However, if you contextualise a fight, where it becomes, their friend who had a fight, and then it becomes another matter, as it is something about you and your personal history that they wish to discover more. Perhaps inherent female curiosity I guess.
On this occasion, this was exactly that. I had rehearsed the story verbatim, offering her a context to my fight, saying that years ago, I went out for a walk with a female work colleague, and that she brought another male friend with her, and during the course of the walk, I got into a fight with him. The story is far longer than this (for the sake of brevity, just giving you a snapshot here). We talked for about an hour, and I could strongly sense, that she was becoming more curious as to me fighting, constantly asking for more detail and especially details about the fight itself.
Naturally, she was very interested in the outcome, (almost secretly jealous that she was not there to see it) and as we walked back to our respective cars, her last parting comment, was ‘next time you have a fight, make sure you invite me.’ Being a gentleman, I sure did, and since then, she had been attending my private fights.


Big T 83 (0)

5/14/2024 11:53 AM

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Lucky you
It’s not common to find female like her


jamesstrong2781 (0)

1/04/2024 1:05 AM

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Love this writeup. Very educative. Coincidentally, I once tried to broach the subject of qrestling with a Chinese lady friend of mine. She didn't show interest and that was it. If I had read your story at that time and presented the idea using your tact, maybe her response might have been different.

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