World Of Sport style

Message to my fellow WoS aficionados

Beaker (12)

3/26/2018 4:45 PM

Hmmmmmmmm Less than a day old and he's deleted his profile AGAIN????????? What's with this guy?


Londonfightfan (10)

3/26/2018 5:56 PM

(In reply to this)

I think he's a troubled soul, but clearly not someone who is worth bothering with on this site. I hope he gets some help.


edlock (0)

3/25/2018 6:42 PM

This is my message to all those members of this group.

I know I've deleted and then opened a new account here, more than I've had hot dinners.

This is because: a) I lost my mother last year; b) I was subjected to uncalled-for abuse from some wrestlers here; c) I started my new job recently; amongst other reasons.

I'm back now. If you are one of those who has been in touch with me in the past, I do hope that you let bygones be bygones, and that we'll resume our friendship because of the most beautiful spectacle that is WoS wrestling.

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