Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

Training the often neglected Obliques

Juggernaut (0)

9/11/2023 9:16 AM

Not sure where Rad is (hope he's still with us), but this exercise despite being effect is pretty challenging, not to mention cumbersome. It reminds me of that wheel for the abs: Sure it works, but if you can do that exercise, then you're already in shape.

The obliques are similar to abs in that it more of a "reveal" muscle than a growth one. In other words, simply remove the fat and they show. The abs bench makes this exercise a much simpler process.


gymrat (37)

5/26/2020 2:47 PM

Hey Radner. I'm a bit late to this party, but you are so right. A few quick rolls with guys who had strong legs and liked to use them for truly painful guards / scissors tight me to add intense oblique training to my routine pronto.

I use a combo of twisting too curls hanging (variation of my regular core/ab work), same with knee-sups on the dip bars, but i target them ont he floor, on my side, in a "moving flex" – curling my body as hard as I can (legs and shoulders off the floor) while also slightly rolling for and aft... Works!

I suspect that some who lift more for looks than function (though looks is a function) will object to the addd waist thickness it might create. But it also creates solid shape....



RadnerBearman (0)

5/10/2020 3:40 PM

It dose not matter if you are a boxer, wrestler or what ever sport you engage in, your Oblique Muscles, take the brunt of everything you do. When your opponent has you in a body scissors and he is squeezing the crud out of you, its your Obliques that are taking to pressure. Don't you want them Stronger ? Here is a good way to make that happen.
do each routine to failure, let me know if this helps YOU


GrapplerWarrior2022 (1)

7/28/2022 1:00 AM

(In reply to this)

Great routine

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