Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

Training out of the comfort zone and mental toughness

Juggernaut (0)

7/28/2024 4:06 PM

Mindfulness – a technique of meditation. Focusing your mind on your inner being and accepting that line of thought in order to move towards a means of dealing with or resolving issues.

By allowing yourself to focus on your inner being and emotions rather than letting your mind wonder you stimulate the neuroplasticity of your brain which can allow yourself to gain new thought patterns and become better prepared to surmount or gain better control over potential obstacles in your pathway. In many instances you lean to predict rather than always reacting to events.

There's more – a lot more – as this was grossly oversimplified. But that's goes well beyond this comment section's interest and far beyond my ability to define or explain.


NrwGutpuncher (0 )

7/28/2024 8:31 AM

Even knowing that I will force any discussion, here's my thing.

Mental toughness is linked with trust into yourself.
That contains the classic stuff of being real, convinced by yourself and having a vision which is worth to fight for. Yeah.

But the real fucking comfort zone, which most people not even guys but more on the masculine side than on the feminin side, is to face your soul injury.
What feeling you have been forced to carry inside yourself, what prevented you from being strong, independent and healthy again?

The deep shadow inside you which stands in front of the light / fire which makes especially us as men strong and self-confident.

You need to have the balls and the patience to dive deep into your feminin side (the mental side, feelings experiences and the fucking moments where you have been hurt but protected by your ego by ignoring what truely happened.)

You are the only one who can be empowered to get restored or even get stronger to pass the deepest shit pain you have ever face.

Your body is a loyal and strong fighter but always as long you show a balance of mercy, dicipline and true confirmation of love being safe and accepted by YOURSELF. Don't, NEVER, let someone rate or take the power of being SELF away because if you think you can pass responsbility away you also will lose the holy right to CHANGE.

Pain and Joy are like women and men walking side by side.
Both have the function to remind you how to live.
Pain means: Hey you have been misstreated, you NEED to change. But also a warning: Look, SOMETHING inside of you prevents to be peaceful and grateful for your life and your breath. Reflect (don't know if this is right) yourself and find the reason who has convinced you by talking and making you believe, that you done something wrong. Some trigger are hints, where you didn't even do something wrong but you were just a victim of circumstances.

Joy is the state of being grateful, the highest point of life, because you feel yourself full not being dependent on something or SOMEONE. But you always need to be conscious to feel that. Why? How do you want to recognize joy if you never felt pain for example?

So at some point in your life you will be forced to dive deep inside your soul to find what you obviously first try to find outside yourself.

The true injury is to recognize, you have been teached to forget to love yourself and to be able to be that person you might be missing since beginningless times. Means: Your partner, friends, every other close person replaces the safety and strength which awaits you deep inside of yourself.
To let go someone doesn't mean you will never see him/her again. To let go means: Empower yourself to be happy, grateful and full of life because you decide to be good enough for yourself. Then, THEN people no longer will HURT you, and make you „MENTAL TOUGH“ but they improve yourself by showing where you let yourself down by pushing someone's worth higher beyond yourself's worth. And that's always the meaning of pain, the dissapoitment the clearance that a person had not confirmed our hope: We are only good enough if someone from the outside loves, saves or accepts us.

I love being connected with people, but I have borders. Strict and clear.
I love to have close friends, to feel a good's friends hug. Female as well as male. But no matter how much I feel love, I know, if someone violates my borders he dies as soon as he shows to me, hey I fucking shit on your borders, it was right what I've done. Well, my worth is always higher, so I can let go him/her. Why? I don't fear the disappointment, I know I allowed him/her to hurt me like that. By pushing this person beyond my own worth.

At the end I just wanna say: Have the balls, be a true man by saving and rescuing yourself.
Let go the old vision and illusion of being powerless.
Let go the thought of: You need to fight or kill or something more stupid just to prove yourself.
Sometimes it's important to rise and to show who you are, yes. But mostly you never have to do it.
Because at the end, it only counts what you think. And how tough enough you are to accept: hey I love myself, go fuck yourself.

If you never have been accepted by one or both of your parents, don't blame them but heal for yourself. Learn to forgive and grow out of your position by thinking like a powerless child.
If a beautiful girl has rejected you, forgive her, and remember why, you gave her more importance than yourself. Why you felt in love? Because she's so beautiful or because she reminds you how beautiful you are as a creation of god?
And at least: If you see someone is rich, strong, good looking or whaever...always remember: To know this, a human always has to make a journey. The true and undistructable proof that you ARE is the feeling which ONLY comes from deep inside of you.

So be tough enough, to dive, to find and to belive motherfucker. And stop waiting for solutions from outside of you.

No one will rescue or save you.
No one will tell you what you need to hear.
No one will let you ignite you inner fire to warm you.
Only you. And you are the best to understand and empower you to see the reason of life. THE JOY ABOUT THE FACT THAT YOU EXCIST.

It's also you who convinces you, that you are not good enough, that you are to weak or broke or this or that.
Everything is always deep deep inside of you.

Love you all bro's. Stay close to yourself and heal.


Armen (0)

7/28/2024 10:31 AM

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Did you write this all yourself? Or took help from Chatgpt?


NrwGutpuncher (0 )

7/28/2024 10:39 AM

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From myself. It's experience and knowledge I took from others.

And of course you're right! To help yourself by someone's experience, knowledge or even some tips/hints by talenting people all right!

But someone who provides his knowledge and strength to you kindly and supports you is no one who has to be avoided necerssarly.

Also it's a difference to force you to accept help or to offer help and let the decision being your decision. It's all about respecting borders and recognizing when or where you become a victim or where you allow to become a victim.

If you are conscious, you almost tend to say, how can I decide or what I can do... change evolve know empower myself find out this or that

If you believe in yourself and you not scared to lose, to win, to feel you will be guided and you will find true joy which never leaves because you always will be the reason for


Armen (0)

7/28/2024 10:51 AM

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Your writing skills and intellect are superb.


NrwGutpuncher (0 )

7/28/2024 10:55 AM

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Thanks for that.
But I guess, we all have a treasure full of experience.

So let the confrontation begin, let's grow. And even if we have a conflict, that's good not bad.

Peace is ok, but sometimes you need to know which borders of comfort are good and which one are useless.


Armybob (51)

7/28/2024 2:53 AM

For winning a fight mental toughness is as important as technical skills and physical fitness.
What kind of training out of the comfort zone can improve mental toughness?


Armen (0)

7/28/2024 10:28 AM

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The things which can take you out if comfort are discipline, comparison (compare yourself with those from which you can learn something), have someone who push you in achieving your dreams and most importantly the habits.

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