Trainers and Trainees - Forced Workout

Share ideas / fantasies/ greatest hits

roughouser (15)

4/09/2022 10:00 PM

This is a good example of such a workout


roughouser (15)

3/28/2022 10:41 PM

The punches while hanging on the bar between pull-ups. Or even elbows. I've done it, fun.


roughouser (15)

3/28/2022 9:58 PM

Another things I've done were pushup challenges to determine who gets to receive gutpunches first, or getting punched between pull-ups when taking the breaks too long.


roughouser (15)

3/28/2022 9:50 PM

I once ran 9 storeys of stairs as a challenge, then a barrage of fast and hard gutpunches came down on me. Trying to breathe after the stairs, but can't take a deep breath due to the need to take punches. That was a thrill!


ABSman86 (0)

2/03/2022 4:34 AM

Gentlemen — curious share your stories or fantasies for favorite forced workouts

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