Stakes, Spoils, and Post-Match Punishment

Submission wrestling match with stakes

Pinmeifyoucan (40)

11/09/2023 12:12 AM

I wrestled a smaller 165lber and I immediately got my legs wrapped around his head and expected to get a head scissor and the tap. Keep in mind I leg press 6 plates per side in the gym. What should have been easy was long drawn out and my opponent kept his arm near his neck so I could not score the tap no matter how hard I squeezed. My gym muscle and strength were being put to their true test. After 15 minutes my opponent was able to escape and got me in a grapevine my larger legs already weakened from squeezing kept me grapevined until I tapped. He then reduced the pressure on the hold but relocked the grapevine on again. I said hey I tapped and he just smiled. After 4 or 5 times he let me up and we go chest to chest on the bed arm to arm. I had a 60lb advantage and 16" biceps to his 14" I'd say. I Lung at him but cannot move him despite my size. I then try to pick him up but he flips behind me and gets me in a RNC. I tap and he let's me out then we go out it full force trying to score on each other but nothing happens. Then I'm winded and I was careless so he mounts me and gets in a school boy pin. I try to push up keep in mind I can bench press 265lbs. I can't move this guy off my chest he just laughs and says flex harder so I flex as hard as I could but he moves maybe a few inches and I think im going to reverse it but he shifts his weight and slams me back down on the bed and I'm still in the school boy pin. After he weakens me he toys with me for another 90 minutes and then says the next round is loser gets stripped. Well I lost again and refused to strip so he ripped off my singlet and pinned me for another hour. 🙃

It was vigorous and hot albeit embarrassing. So now I'm looking for a Stakes Match and I'll agree in private with my opponent what the stakes will be. Match can be filmed to keep both honest. Looking in NC, GA, SC or FL. I am off for the next 5 days November 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. Hotel matches are ideal.

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