Skull Murphy Gator Hold

A type of sleeper hold?

princepaulbritpro (25)

6/30/2017 12:17 PM

Really like to see those techniques in a more competitive contest with both boys working on each other. Love to use the headlock and strangle too. Can disorientate or slow down an opponent and create an opportunity to chain to a gator in a kneeling position which can conclude in a screaming submission from one wrestler.


Good looker (0)

2/25/2019 6:25 AM

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Prince Paul, I like your style.


Glasgow Jobber (5)

2/25/2019 11:10 AM

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By the looks of it, this guy left the site some time ago and those comments were made almost 2 years ago.

Personally I prefer to see the gator applied in the standing position so the victim is left dangling with his arms and/or legs flaying around in the air ....

Check out the Ian McGregor vs Skull Murphy match on You Tube - nice neck work and weakeners before application of the gator.


Gregorio2 (10)

2/25/2019 12:41 PM

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Thanks for your analysis, and reference to the good McGregor v Murphy match


princepaulbritpro (25)

6/30/2017 12:08 PM

For me I love to use the head chancery and various holds to the face and neck when I'm kneeling tight in behind a seated opponent. Always one of the ways I try to attack my man in a bout.


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/30/2017 12:13 PM

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Ben delivered a few chokes and used the ropes to weaken my neck- not to mention the chops to the side of it .... I was spared to head butt drop whilst lying on the deck - this time.

Reckon I won't be so lucky in the re-match - with possibly an audience to encourage destruction!


princepaulbritpro (25)

6/30/2017 12:00 PM

It's certainly a hot hold if you do this style. Certainly not erotic.


princepaulbritpro (25)

6/30/2017 11:23 AM

I love to try and weaken my opponent with the head chancery in a match to try and set up for a possible gator hold. Should soften my man enough for him to give a very willing submission. One of he best holds in brit pro. Never managed to score with it myself as yet but looking to change that. Conceded my submission to it at a Meet years ago and it's one of those holds where you are really eager to submit to stop your opponent. If it's not a deciding submission then you are left very vulnerable in the coming rounds. Hopefully we can see more of this hold among the wrestlers on this site.


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/30/2017 12:04 PM

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Yes - a much under used hold here it would seem.

Come on guys - let's see the interest in the Gator Hold ramped up to the prominence it deserves!

Obviously there have to be neck weakeners leading up to this hold - as it always gets a submission if applied effectively.


walsallgoodguy (130)

6/30/2017 11:47 AM

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I woukd'nt mind you trying that on me neck weakeners.ripper roger


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/21/2017 3:42 PM

This gives a good illustration of how the Gator is applied and held to secure submission.

My fate this Sunday?


Gregorio2 (10)

9/05/2018 4:36 PM

(In reply to this)

Good horny excerpt, thx for posting


celtwrestle (46 )

6/24/2017 8:45 PM

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Referee's in the way - but a complex looking hold


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/29/2017 9:47 PM

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Come on, it's easy to see how the hold us applied on this clip (and MANY other You Tube videos).

It's not complex by any measure - in fact it is very simple to apply .... check out the photos I have uploaded.


wrestlerspig (14)

6/21/2017 3:55 PM

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I know you will enjoy your fate. I know I would enjoy that too. Have fun!
Thanks for sharing the video.


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/20/2017 12:41 AM

Guys I am taking on BRIT PRO HEEL this Sunday and the match will focus on neck punishment and submission in the Gator Hold.

We are hoping for this to be videoed and it should answer your questions .... this guy has been angling to get me in the ring for years so he's gonna make the most of it!


ukscisors (22)

6/20/2017 11:09 AM

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Ben is great - look forward to the video


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/30/2017 11:52 AM

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Unfortunately Meetfighters are not allowing the video as they consider it "too erotic"!

Not sure why - we only wrestled ....


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/29/2017 9:45 PM

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Meetfighters won't allow the video as it is "too erotic".

Not sure if I should be flattered (as well as pissed off)!


walsallgoodguy (130)

6/20/2017 10:56 AM

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Brit pro heel is the'll love it.he's my fav heel opponant


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/20/2017 11:08 AM

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Yea, thanks for that.

Hoping to emulate the Kid McCoy vs Skull Murphy & Dr. Death destruction match as a 1-on-1 ....

Focus on back weakeners as well as chokes, neck punishment and, of course, the almighty Gator Hold with delayed release ....

Any guesses how long I can take it before my legs and arms are flaying out in all directions (which doesn't count as submission)!


wrestlerspig (14)

6/20/2017 4:14 AM

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You are one lucky guys to have a match with him. Enjoy.


wrestlerspig (14)

5/08/2017 7:49 PM

It hurts like hell.


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/20/2017 11:17 AM

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Darksteel (10)

5/07/2017 7:31 PM

It is more of a strain on the neck. I have been in it before.


celtwrestle (46 )

5/07/2017 6:18 AM

To me, it seems the blood supply to the brain is being blocked by pressure on the cartroyd(spell?) artery, similar to the sleeper hold. Dangerous; but how does he do it? Take care out there


Glasgow Jobber (5)

6/20/2017 4:06 PM

(In reply to this)

I don't think this is anything like a sleeper hold .... it doesn't put you out or restrict blood flow - just strains the neck which has generally been worked on and punished as a lead up to application of the Gator.

There are plenty of You Tube videos that demonstrate it very clearly - see Kwik Kick Lee v Skull Murphy for a prolonged Gator .....

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