Older Fighters are the Best

Methuselah Must Have Been Really Out of Luck

Spruceman (55 )

10/21/2017 11:54 PM

WOW. Looking back on my posts in this thread; and I almost think I am looking back into ancient history with the building of the pyramids of Egypt happening in the background. :)

Have had a great stream of action the past couple months; and an up to 43 past opponents. What was I then, in the low 20s? While 43 is less than a tenth of the head honcho in the matches department, it places me at the 95.9 percentile among all the site's members (19 OCT 2017, 11:35 AM stats).

Interesting how getting a few more in one's history, must have reached a tipping point in many guys' minds in my favor. Interesting to note that this jump has been rather minimal in the local Washington area, suggesting the local tipping point might be around 50 or higher. DC is so atypical that the test marketing of prospective new products is seldom done here; as results are not indicative of future success Nationally.

Of course, the pace will not continue between mid November to early January; but that is a seasonal matter, analogous to the mid-summer lull. On a seasonally-adjusted basis, I'm confident the pace will continue, barring injury or something independent of wrestling itself. Time for me to stop belly aching about not finding action (other than to ponder what the story is amongst local guys). :)


kiwifarmer (10)

10/22/2017 10:15 AM

(In reply to this)

Hi Spruceman. Wish I lived closer as I really enjoy wrestling with older guys like you and they seem hard to find. If you ever visit New Zealand come and stay on the farm and we can wrestle. When I was in my 20's i use to wrestle and fight with an older farmer down the road who was in his early 70's it was the best time of my life


countryfighter (29)

8/26/2017 3:47 PM

Grateful for all the matches...we just be who we are and be willing to travel...some guys have trouble with age and I don't blame them at all, don't know that I would have liked to fight my grandpa! Am glad to be fight busy with several fights to come


Spruceman (55 )

8/26/2017 4:01 PM

(In reply to this)

I would not have wanted to wrestle my grandfathers if they were still living; but I am in far better shape and stronger than either grandfather I had when they were any age any time in their lives. If anyone thinks I am not in shape to wrestle, they might want to check out the full profile and issue me a challenge if they happen to be in the area.

I know travel can be a real bee-yitch; but there are hundreds of local guys on this site who could meet up via a convenient trip on the Metro system. If its that they are on the site solely for sex rather than sport, they should put it in their profile so sporting guys don't waste my time contacting them.


jackbrawl (0)

8/26/2017 1:15 PM

Good luck spruce, wish we were closer


Spruceman (55 )

8/26/2017 3:07 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks. Distance can be such a bee-yitch; and travel is getting to be more expensive and more of a hassle by the day. Had to take this item down from my blog due to harassment–mainly that either we older guys have no business wrestling or should consider ourselves damn lucky to find any matches.


SilverFoxFight (38)

8/25/2017 1:08 PM

Bud, be glad to tangle with you anytime and think of you often!! Deano


Spruceman (55 )

8/24/2017 8:17 AM

An on the verge of turning 75; and it is next to impossible to find guys willing to wrestle/grapple with me. Apparently they see the age in the top side listings and will not open my profile to se I am a viable, strong wrestler/other sport. A reading of my profile text, viewing the very recent pics, reading the recommendations would show I am a viable opponent in every regard – nothing negative; But it's for naught if the profile isn't even opened.

I am not seeking a pity "take it easy on the old fart" encounter. I seek honest-to-God competitive action. I'm at wits end in trying to get guys to consider me. I have contacted just about everyone within 50 miles of here (several hundred in the area); but very few replies---even been told I have no business wrestling guys given my age.

Seventy-five is a far cry short of 969. Methuselah would have never been able to find a match if he were here.


Kusthipatu (8 )

8/27/2017 6:07 AM

(In reply to this)

There r some guys like me who like to wrestle only olderguys. Each has their own likes & dislikes. we have to respect that. I am in other country, otherwise i would have wrestled spruceman.

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