
Anyone know of a woman that is looking for sparring or a Mixed Boxing Match with a slender guy?

Nightmareera (0 )

7/15/2020 11:29 PM

Try South and East memphis


ChiFight (6)

7/13/2020 5:48 PM

Unless you are willing to pay $300+ an hour for a session wrestler (and even most of them will ether only do one-sided or body boxing with no head shots) your odds of finding a woman to box with on the Internet are somewhere between slim and none.

Even on this site (that primarily caters to gay and bi men) but has a very small number of “female profiles” there are:

1. A few session wrestlers (which I don’t think are technically allowed by this sites rules).
2. Female members of male/female couples who are generally looking for other females and couples for the guy to watch or be involved with or...
3. Fake profiles with men pretending to be women (this is probably 2/3 of them, if not more.)

Single straight women looking for single men they don’t already know, to fight with, is a fantasy thing that’s practically non-existant. The really legit fighters are probably just training in gyms and would not respond well to being propositioned for anything related to sexual fantasy and the ones who do the erotic stuff probably got into for money or their partner.

Your best odds of really doing it are to pay someone or to try and get into a relationship with someone who might be open to that, but searching on profile sites for free partners likely has a astronomically small chance of success.


ChiBox (34 )

7/14/2020 8:18 AM

(In reply to this)


Kind, gracious and tactful response to a post that I was sorely tempted to say "Dream on chump, that is your and every other guys fantasy that is absolutely NOT GOING TO EVER HAPPEN!" Been there, done that, the few women I have ever boxed with were:
1. In a relationship with me
2. Members of same boxing gym doing closely controlled sparring
3. 1 former member of this site who met (after much discussion) for a very good boxing instruction/skills/sparring session...boxing only nothing else).

I consider myself lucky, having got 1 legit female boxing experience from MF in 10 yrs...newer and younger male members should probably expect no more than 1 in 15 years. Bottom line is what ChiFight stated, pay $300/hr or find yourself a woman that likes boxing.


stesmith20000 (0)

7/13/2020 5:37 AM

I’ve been searching for a woman to tap gloves with in the ring to no avail :(


Mixed Boxing1 (0)

7/13/2020 4:58 AM

Looking for a woman opponent that is looking for sparring or a real mixed boxing match for when the virus is under control and the gym is allowed to reopen the ring. Thanks! Please log in to view gallery photos.

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