Back Torture Holds

Longest time you ever had a guy in a rack!

kcjobberboy (0)

21 days ago

This jobber would love to be held in a long drawn out Torture Rack by a big muscular heel.


JobberOtter (15 )

21 days ago

I would love to be In A long torture rack! šŸ˜


pandamonium (31)

8/20/2024 11:52 PM

One time I racked someone who didnā€™t think I could do it for a long time. He challenged me to keep him up for 5 minutes and I said I could do ten. It wasnā€™t just talk, we met and I lifted and racked him. He weighed 260 pounds. We were in a mat room. made him watch the clock on the wall. He was asking me to put him down after a minute. I refused citing it was an agreed upon bet. He submitted multiple times but I kept him there. He was getting hard and humiliated. I did ten minutes easy and he was okay but very sore.


Judofet (1 )

22 days ago

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Iā€™d love receive same treatments and Iā€™m 177lbs


volcano (21 )

8/17/2024 9:49 PM

i'd love to try out being in a torture rack. Shouldn't be too hard now, I'm down to 178 lb.


Bearhug4u2 (11 )

11/08/2015 8:23 AM

Any strong guys out there love doing the torture rack hold?


Heel-eo-trope (6)

8/18/2024 6:03 AM

(In reply to this)

Absolutely love it. To answer your question for the thread, Iā€™ve often had wrestling opponents in a naked torture rack for quite a few minutes. One time I actually decided to walk around the house he was housesitting in and go casually into different rooms, go to the refrigerator to grab a soda, all while having him across my back, and just ignoring his pleas to submit (was totally agreed-upon upfront though). I would say he probably was up there for a good 10 minutes before I gave him a rude awakening and dropped him onto the bed hard. :-)


Judofet (1 )

22 days ago

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Iā€™d love receive it from you Iā€™m only 177lbs and like till ko and also if screma you to put me down you donā€™t hear my requests.


Easywrestler I (0)

8/19/2024 8:30 AM

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Iā€™ve had that done to me in a firemanā€™s lift but i donā€™t think i could take a rack for that time, impressive from both of you


Heel-eo-trope (6)

8/19/2024 4:53 PM

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He was very lightweight and flexible. He was able to relax while in the hold that wasn't applied with pressure most of that time in the middle portion - though at the beginning and end, he got some oomph well enough :)


Easywrestler I (0)

8/19/2024 5:38 PM

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How heavy was he?


Heel-eo-trope (6)

8/20/2024 4:55 AM

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Probably 135 or so. It was a while ago so I donā€™t really remember but he was on the smaller side.


Easywrestler I (0)

8/20/2024 10:50 AM

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Very light. Do you know whatā€™s the heaviest youā€™ve racked?


Heel-eo-trope (6)

29 days ago

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prob 150 or so.


volcano (21 )

8/18/2024 2:14 PM

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What fun! Good going!

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